
Max Online e-Gift Cards are provided by Landmark Online India Private Limited.
Max Online e-Gift Cards can be used on Max Online platforms - maxfashion.com - website & apps.
Max Online Gift Cards cannot be redeemed at the physical / brick and mortar stores of Max.
Max Online e-Gift Cards have a validity of 12 months from the date of purchase / activation, whichever is later.
Max Online e-Gift Cards can be partially redeemed and can be used multiple times till balance exists in the E-Gift Card.
In case the value of the merchandise exceeds the value of the E-Gift card, then the differential amount shall be paid by the customer,
E-Gift Cards cannot be exchanged or redeemed for cash, under any circumstances.
For balance enquiry or other queries, check our website – Maxfashion.com or call our helpline 1800-123-1444.
The E-Gift card number and the PIN are required for redemption.
Max Online e-Gift Cards can also be used during sales & promotions.
No replacement/compensation is permissible for lost or damaged E- Gift cards.
Once the eGift card is issued, Landmark Online India Private Limited will not entertain any request for cancellation.
Any exchange by the bearer will be considered a valid and legal discharge of Landmark Online India’s liability.
E- Gift Card redemption is provided on “as-is” and “as-available” basis.
Landmark Online India Private Limited reserves the right to amend, withdraw eGift Card services along with these terms at its discretion, without prior notice.
Landmark Online India Private Limited shall not assume any liability in case the e-gift card pin gets stolen/compromised due to fraud, date theft, negligence, phishing, or any other illegal activity. Under these circumstances Landmark Online India Private Limited shall neither be liable to replace the eGift card nor refund the cash. Customer further indemnifies and holds Landmark Online India Private Limited harmless from any claims arising out of these circumstances.
All grievances shall be referred to Landmark Online India Private Limited & the decision of the company shall be final & binding.
All disputes are subject to exclusive jurisdiction of Bangalore Courts.
The total liability of Landmark Online India Private Limited for all demands, claims, actions, causes of action, proceedings, suits, assessments, losses, damages, liabilities, costs and expenses shall be limited to the value of the E-Gift cards issued to the customer.
E-Gift Cards are normally delivered instantly. But sometimes due to system issues, the delivery can be delayed up-to 24 - 48 hours.